Your Taxes Done Right And Your Way

Trusted Tucson tax professionals working to provide you with expert tax preparation that fits your lifestyle.

We are CPA owned and offer a variety of preparation options for you to choose from.


It’s easy to work with us. Select the option below that suits you and how you would like your tax return prepared.

Have your return prepared virtually

Upload your tax documents to our secure portal and we’ll prepare your return and communicate with you virtually.

Drop off your documents for preparation

You drop off your tax documents and we’ll contact you when your return is prepared and ready for you to review.

Have your return prepared at an office visit

Schedule a one-on-one in office appointment. You bring your tax documents and we’ll prepare your return during the appointment.

Call Now (520) 372-7719

We’ll give you a price quote for the option that works best for you.


We hear you Tucson…and that’s why we provide a local and professional alternative to those other corporate national franchises.


We created our Essentage brand and team to provide best in class catch-up, clean-up and recurring bookkeeping services.

Click the icon to visit the Essentage page


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